A Russian novel (so I'm sure there are allegories aplenty) about a 2,000 year-old werefox who transforms into a beautiful nymphette and falls in love with a werewolf intelligence officer. In many ways this reminds me of the Curious Incident cover, but still, the silhouette is magnificently done - she looks very manga. The book, apparently, is full of sex, hence the dainty, russian-y stars. The back cover text is set in the same two-column grid as the front. AND, the turns - the small slivers that exists between the cover and the inside flaps, are spectrums. Super thin spectrum lines are also on the spine, separating the text.
What a weird weird book.
I guess it is hard to say no to a red and black cover featuring a fox woman cut out. Otherwise, though, this cover is very subtle and doesn't paint much of a picture of the books subject and emotion. I would like to see something more evocative and energetic with the type—somehow playing with the illustration. The stars just come off oddly. I dunno. It's a nice cover.
The book is a truly great piece of fiction, full of life (all kinds of aspects of life, sure), realism and surrealism, myths, philosophy and mystery.
This cover here is good as well, though I think the type could've been a bit more daring and... artistic?
As for the stars - I'm not sure they're placed properly. Or is it just me who thinks that they're a bit off the actual naughty bits (to use a Pythonesque term)? :)
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