Friday, June 20, 2008

Found Photo Friday

Somebody's happy it's Friday, and his name is Tom Jones.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Curious Case of Gould

Thanks for the headz up, Gould. This is the new David Fincher film, based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald story about a man who is born old and gets younger and younger as he grows up. Love the type for the movie logo. The link to the preview:
And, lo and behold, I found these two awesome coverz for the book!

Monday, June 16, 2008

More Than It Hurts You

My boyfriend in college was a biology nut. He took an entomology class senior year, and had to run through the woods with a butterfly net trying to catch as many different species as he could. Then he would put them in a "killing jar". He always got very excited when our female friends screamed because there was a yet undiscovered waterbug in their bathrooms. His final project was a vast collection of his dead insects carefully pinned down in a black box, with the species names pinned on tiny pieces of paper. Thirteen years later, he still proudly displays his collection at parties.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Michaela Sullivan: Dictation

A collection of four stories. "The title story follows the female secretaries of Henry James and Joseph Conrad, both of whom take dictation from the two egoist titans. When the authors meet in London, their two amanuenses collude to make their own mark on their masters' work; in so doing, they exalt, with an undeniably sexual glee, that they will thus attain immortality." (PW)