Wonderfully arresting cover with an illustration from a book called "B is for Betsy", a children's book originally published in 1939. Alison cropped the illustration and added the red, which I think plays very nicely with the PS logo on the bottom right. There is something so disturbingly provocative about this little girl's flirty stance and those red slouchy socks.
From Harper Collins:
Inspired by Harper Lee's classic To Kill a Mockingbird, Clay's brilliantly observed and darkly funny novel follows the sudden unraveling of a suburban community after a single act of thoughtless cruelty.
it's nice. Kind of dated looking. But on a contemporary stage there is something there that works and becomes risky and provocative at once..
By the way experts, what do you think of Milton Glaser's design for Roth ?
i love how by perfectly centering the image and text, and leaving so much space on the sides, the whole image becomes precarious, and her legs look like they are dangling or about to topple over. It seems so wrong to me, and that makes it work so well.
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