Top is the final cover. The novel recounts " alternative history that goes back several centuries to flip the slave trade, with Aphrikans enslaving the people of Europa and exporting many of them to Amarika. The plot revolves around Doris, the daughter of a long line of proud cabbage farmers who live in serfdom. After she's kidnapped by slavers, she experiences the horror and inhumanity of slave transport, is sold and works her way back to freedom." Evan originally pitched a two-cover idea (images 2 and 3) where the girl would be shown going from freedom to slavery on some covers and from slavery to freedom on the others. New from Riverhead.
hmmm. not to fond of this one. i guess the color throws me off. i like the second one a lot. That falling figure attracts me...
Seems like the evolution of these was pretty much established and these are just some variations on the same theme.
that last one is funny. I st noticed the rings on her neck. That's great...
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